Food Replicator - Automated Hydroponics Solution

Food Replicator 2x3

Food Replicator

size starts 2×3 feet

Created by Terragrow

862 backers pledged $56,195 to help bring this project to life.

Product Pitch

This Is Our Story

Our journey into hydroponics began as a mere curiosity. Fascinated by the idea of growing fresh produce year-round in the tropical climate of the Philippines, we spent hours tinkering with various systems, from simple DIY setups to more complex designs. We meticulously documented our experiments, learning from every failure and celebrating each success. What started as a way to cultivate fresh vegetables as a hobby soon turned into a passion project.

One evening, Marvin invited his old colleague and friend, Mohammed, over for dinner. Mohammed, a seasoned entrepreneur with three successful startups in health tech and ed tech under his belt, was immediately intrigued by Marvin’s flourishing backyard garden. As they sat down to a meal made from the garden’s bounty, they discussed the potential of bringing hydroponics to the masses. Marvin shared his frustrations with the lack of user-friendly resources and tools for hydroponic enthusiasts. Mohammed, with his entrepreneurial experience and business acumen, saw an opportunity.

Our Story - Terragrow

“Imagine,” Mohammed said, “an app that guides users through every step of the hydroponics process, combined with affordable, easy-to-assemble kits.”

Marvin’s eyes lit up. The seed of an idea was planted. The two friends spent the next few weeks brainstorming, researching, and sketching out their vision. They named their nascent venture “Terragrow,” symbolizing the blend of earth and technology.

Back in 2019, Marvin and Mohammed juggled their day jobs while pouring their evenings and weekends into Terragrow. Marvin focused on refining the hydroponic systems, ensuring they were efficient, scalable, and user-friendly. He created prototypes in his backyard, testing different configuration. Meanwhile, Mohammed worked on developing the business strategy, leveraging his experience to design an intuitive interface that could guide users of all experience levels through the process of setting up and maintaining their hydroponic gardens.

Our Story - Hydrophonics System
Our Story - Food Replicator

They faced numerous challenges, from technical hurdles to financial constraints. But their passion and determination kept them going. They launched a prototype by bootstrapping everything, sharing their vision with the world and inviting others to join them in revolutionizing home gardening. The response was overwhelming. They attended several events across the globe to promote the company and network with other people

Terragrow’s official launch was met with enthusiasm from hobbyists and sustainability advocates alike. Customers raved about the ease of use and the joy of growing their own food. Marvin and Mohammed’s vision was coming to life, one home garden at a time. The company’s mission resonated deeply in a world increasingly focused on sustainability and self-sufficiency.

Our Story - Hydrophonics System 2
Our Story - Terragrow 2

From a hobbyist’s backyard in the Philippines to a burgeoning agri-tech company, Terragrow’s journey isc a testament to the power of passion, perseverance, and the belief that technology could help people live more sustainably. Marvin and Mohammed continue to innovate, driven by the vision of a greener, more self-sufficient world. And with each new user who plant a seed, Terragrow’s story grew, inspiring a global movement towards sustainable living.

Our Products

Food Replicator

Food Replicator

Food Replicator

Food Replicator


Fleet Food Replicator

Food Replicator

Available Now For Pre-Order

Food Replicator

Food Replicator

Food Replicator

Food Replicator


Fleet Food Replicator

Food Replicator

General Nutrient Solution

General Nutrient Solution

Lettuce (Romaine) Nutrient Solution

Lettuce(Romaine) Nutrient Solution

Strawberry Nutrient Solution

Strawberry Nutrient Solution

More About Terragrow

Meet The Awesome People of Terragrow

90+ Plants and More Are Growing

What’s in the Box?

Food Replicator

What's In The Box - Food Replicator

Control Board

What's In The Box - Control Board


  1. 2×3 feet acrylic box
  2. PVC pipes and netcup
  3. LED lights
  4. Controller box fitted with sensors

Food Replicator

What's In The Box - Food Replicator 2

Control Board

What's In The Box - Control Board


  1. 4×3 feet acrylic box
  2. PVC pipes and netcup
  3. LED lights
  4. Controller box fitted with sensors

Terragrow was here:

Ready to start your plant journey?

Sustainability of growing your own food